Monday, 29 July 2019

Chapter 5.7 - Disaster Children

Hello all!

Remember when I said that I would try to get stuff done before the new Fire Emblem game came out because I am a weak human being and Nintendo owns my soul?

Yeah, that happened. I've spent the equivalent of an entire day playing this damn game and I'm not even finished yet.

Nintendo owns my soul and my card details.

And I would quite happily gush about FE: Three Houses for hours, but that's not what you're all here for. You are all here for the disaster that is the McKracken family.

Last time, Sebastian's Imaginary Friend turned into a real girl, and Christine was beginning her transformation into Martha 2.0.

A more grumpy, less psycho Martha, but a Martha nonetheless.

Case in point:

I missed the birthday shots because I was too busy trying to age up three Sims without a) something catching on fire, and b) my game crashing. Anyways, here is Christine, post makeover. I normally make a point about not reusing hairstyles for Sims, but Chloe has the same hair as Candace, so I figured I'd let Christine have the same hair as Martha. Her nose is a lot more prominent as well. Sorry, Christine!

Her teenage trait is Rebellious, which worries me.

Sebastian aged up with that hair, so I kept it. He also grew up with that jacket, so I changed it to be his favourite colour. He looks like a tough punk would beat you up behind the bike shed and steal your money, but he is an actual sweetheart. Fitting that his teenage trait is Shy. You ain't fooling anyone, Sebastian.

Riley looks like she got dressed in the dark. I've had that hairstyle for ages, and have only just got round to using it. Her face caved in when she aged up, so I had to do some emergency facial surgery to save myself from the nightmares.

You're welcome.

Despite all this, her teenage trait is Nurturing.

Christine: What do you want?

Lilac: I was just wondering why you wanted to go skinny dipping with your grandfather, that's all.


In another case of "WTF", teenagers can go to the bar.

Riley: Should we really be doing this?

Christine: We're eighteen years old, it's not like we're breaking the law.

Sebastian: We're only sixt...


Christine: Sup, peasants.

As you can see, Christine's love for funky socks has carried over into her teenage years.

Sebastian: Great, now that we're here, what do we do?

Christine: Order a drink, of course.

Riley: I want no part in this.

Chrstine: Ah yes, the liquor of the gods.

Riley: I still want no part in this.

Sebastian: I suppose one drink won't hurt... Must it be lit on fire, though?

Christine: Hey, why wasn't mine set alight?

At this point, Riley ushered the other two home to avoid being out after curfew.

Aww, Christine looks so sad.

Wait, never mind.

Christine: I could have easily avoided the police.

The next day, both Sebastian and Christine started having mood swings. These mood swings affected them in different ways. Sebastian started feeling a bit more grumpy, whereas the Grump Queen actually showed some other emotion other than Resting Bitch Face.

Sebastian: Ugh, I don't want to do anything today! Everything sucks!

Christine: I feel no different.

Christine: Actually, maybe I do feel a little different :)

I want to protect that smile at all costs.

She may be a walking disaster child, but at least she does have her rare moments that make me want to pinch her cheeks.

*maniacal laughter*


I want to see what happens to my three disaster children without the adults around. 

Starting with the school dance.

These two idiots asked each other out at the same time.

As soon as I accepted one notification, the other one popped up.

They are a mess.

Miss Grump Queen herself was voted Prom Queen.

I feel like this only happened because everyone is terrified of her.

Well then...

That makes me job a little easier.

Sebastian is Prom King, which I think happened because Sebastian is a nice young man who won't set booby traps or get into fights with people.

Unlike a certain someone CHRISTINE.

Her photo is nice enough, even if does look she's trying so hard to be cool and edgy.

Sebastian and Riley have the same pose, just different backdrops. I think Christine getting into a fight probably broke the backdrop.

Wouldn't surprise me.


Another chapter comes to an end, and for the first time since I started this, the blog and my game are at the same point in time. I finished the teen's prom, and then quit the game to write this up. I'll try and get ahead of myself,  but I have a busy couple of days coming up so gaming will be scarce D:

Anyhow, I can at least reveal the Generation Six rolls, and they are quite something:
  • Second Chance
  • Five Children
  • Film (Acting)
  • Medical
  • Music (Rock Star)
  • 5-Star Celebrity
  • The Joker
Christine, being a famous celebrity and an actress?

Why do I hate myself?

See you next time!


  1. I can't wait to see Christine as a famous actress. I think it will be very entertaining.

    1. She'll scowl her way through all her roles xD

  2. Some interesting rolls there, I love Rock Star, Medical can be a hassle with the flexible hours, and I haven't tried actor/actress, so that will be interesting to see. Add 5 children and that's a hectic combination!

  3. Ugh, I love Christine so much. I'm sorry to hear about your technical issues over on the forums. I hope things get better so that we can see more of the amazing Christine!

  4. Christine doesn't look quite right while smiling. xD

    I imagine Sebastian and Riley blurting out "Do you want to go steady?!" at the same time. They are so cute.

    Ooooh, I love the second chance roll. Plus five kids and celebrities, this next gen definitely looks interesting.
