Thursday, 11 April 2019

Chapter 2.6 - The Rewrite

Welcome back!

So, yeah... I talked about having a rewrite, and then had to have a rewrite of the rewrite, because I'd fucked myself over during Generation Two and it lingered into Generation Three.


Anyway, last time, Nate and Bai died of old age together, Martha got married to Raymond, and there were a ton of birthdays (only two, but it felt like a lot).

Before I begin, I feel like I have been neglecting everyone's careers. So here's where everyone is at:

Peony is a Band Manager (Level Four. I have no excuse as to why she's such a low level :/).

Martha is a Bagwoman (Level Five, because she keeps getting arrested).

Like so.

And Raymond is a Gene Therapist (Level Seven because he's awesome).

With that out of the way, let's start with another birthday.

The birthday of Vincent.

Much like how Martha held Damien whilst in her formal clothes, Peony is doing the same for Vincent. It's like they've got their sons mixed up...

Though I did manage to get Slender!Vincent. So there's that.

I managed to do a goof and forgot to get a shot of Vincent post makeover. However, after the rewrite, I managed to get a shot of him. Whilst he doesn't look like either Martha's or Raymond's son, he is. He has Martha's grey eyes, so there's that.

This is where the rewrite (of the rewrite) begins. The first thing I did was move the family to a new home in Sunset Valley. Riverview was nice, but it was full of cousins marrying each other, and there was a severe shortage of Sims who weren't all related to each other. Plus staring at the same place for too long can get boring.

I did save a house from Riverview, though. It's large enough that the whole family can fit in, but compact enough that it's not a sprawling mess like the old house was. I am also aware of the missing fence in the back garden. I do get round to fixing it eventually >_>

Upstairs, all the rooms are a little bare, but that is because I spent all the household funds buying the place. Every room is unique to a family member, or at least have something which they improve their skills with. Cayleigh is a virtuoso, so she has a keyboard in her room. Damien is a bookworm, so he has a computer which he can use to improve his writing. Vincent didn't really have any skill traits, so I gave him an easel to see if he gained a love for art.

(Spoiler: He didn't).

Downstairs, things aren't open plan. As much as I like open plan floor spaces, I felt like this house needed walls downstairs. There's archways between the rooms, so it's not completely closed off. I also like having accent walls, which is why every room downstairs has an accent wall >_>

And just because everyone ages up so close together, here's another birthday!

Cayleigh and Vincent are exactly seven days apart. So that's why they age up on the same day.

Cayleigh: I wish to look like Auntie Marth when I grow up.

Well, there you go. Every generation needs an Edgelord(TM), and Cayleigh is this generation's Edgelord(TM). She is still a face clone of Peony, though.

Her teenage trait is Never Nude.

I do joke about Cayleigh taking after Martha more than her own mother, but she does things like this:

Which is exactly what Martha used to do all the time when she was a child...

Cayleigh: Damn, girl, you can slay men with these looks.

Whilst Cayleigh was practising her "killer" looks, Damien went off to the local park.

Damien: Hello, I'm Damien McKracken. I moved here today. I can't help but notice that my hair is the same colour as your dress.

Bella: Nice to meet you, erm... Damien. I'm going to go now...

Damien: Please let me befriend you D:!

She didn't, and Damien headed back home before her parents could call Peony. The last thing he wanted was to face the wrath of his mother.

The next day, Martha's birthday rolled around. I told you everyone ages up so close together D:

I'd like to think that Martha has grown out her phase, but she hasn't. Once an Edgelord(TM), always an Edgelord(TM). Her look has also migrated from 80's goth reject to straight up supervillian. She could quite easily be plopped into a JRPG.

She did, however, manage to avoid having a midlife crisis. Somehow...

Look who has made an appearance!

Whenever he does pop out of his grave, he always goes for the food. Not surprising, given how he starved to death.


Ignoring the ghostly apparition of her old husband, Peony focused on trying to improve her athletic skill. Her lifetime wish wasn't going to finish itself.

Martha: So, I was told to improve my martial arts skill in order to improve my work performance? What do I do?

Peony: Just smack it.

Martha: Well, that was easy.

She also insists on not wearing her martial arts clothes when practising. At least she's in her sports gear, and not her bikini as she normally wears.

I paused just as Damien was sliding off a chair...

He was at the library, and he slid off the chair to talk to someone, and this is what happened when I paused the game mid-animation. Remove the chair and it looks like he's about to start break dancing.

Or breaking his spine.

Moving swiftly on...

Even when he's dead, Nate still gets into arguments with himself.

Some things never change.

Like this, for example.

Martha, why?!

Why do you not wear your proper clothing D:

And we'll end on the first official appearance of Vincent (which he shares with his cousin).

Damien: Don't worry, you'll become important soon.

I'm sorry Vincent. You deserve better D:


And another chapter comes a close. As I said before, I messed things up massively during Gen Two, which made Gen Three pretty difficult to complete. It had barely started, but I needed to go way back to when the Gen Three spawn were children to fix it. Things are better now, but I'm not ready to say what happened without spoiling a lot of things. Hopefully I'll be able to reveal all soon.

See you next time!


  1. Doitsu Koi, The popular choice of escape fish for criminals and magicians alike, get your Doitsu Koi today. Only nine ninety five, packaging and handling not included. (I haven't played a criminal path character in ages, I do miss those messages)

    Cayleigh is the new Edgelord(TM), I can see how that happened.
    I'm assuming the rewrite is due to rolls? I know I'm having to constantly having to check mine at the moment ti stop my plot wandering to far from what I've pre-rolled..

    1. I do like the Criminal career, except for all the times my Sims seem to get arrested :/ And yeah, Cayleigh is an Edgelord(TM), but she isn't THE Edgelord(TM) like Martha is.

  2. I haven't played a criminal in forever either. Technically, my last one was Nyx, but she only went to work about three times in all, and she never got arrested. I kind of miss that career... *Stares longingly at unobliging rolls*.

    I... kind of love Damien, actually. His hair, his outfit, his general adorableness... all of it.

    I'm also going to assume you messed up the rolls somehow. I've done that many times. Once I rolled Photogenic for my founder and made it through half a generation before I noticed that the roll says very clearly "reroll if it's your founding generation".

    1. Ahh, I remember Nyx. Poor love :<

      Damien is a cutie. He grew up with that hair, so I kept it. And the outfit just seals the deal.

      I sort of did mess up the rolls. Everything went a bit pear shaped tbh. I've managed to fix it, though.

  3. Back to the classic Sunset Valley. That house looks perfect for a legacy!

    Cayleigh looks like an '80s punk princess, rather than Martha's '80s goth reject. xD

    Damien looked like he was falling or slithering off that chair. Even better that he's wearing green, for Slytherin. xD

    1. Yep, every legacy ends up in Sunset Valley at some stage xD

      She does! I didn't know what to put her in when she turned into a teenager, so I dressed her up like an 80's punk princess xD

      I paused the game at that moment, and thought it was too perfect to not include :D
