Monday, 15 April 2019

Chapter 2.8 - Love and Glitches

Hello again!

I felt bad leaving the last chapter on such a lacklustre note, so here's a new one that is hopefully more exciting.

Last time, Damien and Vincent aged into teenagers, and Raymond became an adult off screen. Sorry, dude...

Oh, and Cayleigh was there, I suppose.

Anyway, as of writing this, I have FINALLY done Generation Two. It's been a rollercoaster, and now all that's left is to write everything up. I've got exciting things planned for Generation Three, so all will be revealed soon!

Let's start with some good news:

Martha is actually excelling in her career. Since she moved onto the Evil branch, she has just been climbing the ladder way faster than I was expecting.

She has found her true calling.

The true face of evil.

Peony, still working on her Lifetime Wish, finds time to meditate whenever she can. Even when she's in her... Formal clothes.

At least she wears the proper clothing when practising her martial arts.

She's a brown belt now :D

And now, I am no stranger to glitches. I have encountered tons of them. But they are normally of the "game breaking" variety.

I hadn't come across an animation glitch...



As Martha glitched out, the teenagers came home from school. Vincent's friend Mortimer came round, along with Malcolm Landgraab who had been dragged here by Cayleigh.

Cayleigh: Befriending a rich person will make me less boring, right?

Sorry, love. It doesn't.

I'd be pulling this face is my appearance also suddenly changed.

Vincent: You may have suddenly changed your appearance in front of me, but you're still my Mortimer.

Mortimer: Are you sure your family are okay with me? I'm not too... Edgy for them?

Vincent: Have you met my mum? She'd love you.

Vincent and Mortimer had been mutually pining for each other for ages, and were constantly making lovey-dovey faces, so I stepped in and made Vincent make the first move.

Whilst Vincent found love outside, inside...

Sometimes, there is no need for a caption. Just sit back and observe this masterpiece.

Eyy, look who is now an orange belt :D

Back outside...

Malcolm: I'm exhausted, Cayleigh's abandoned me, and there are zombies everywhere. I'm going home. Enjoy your... Making out session.

Mortimer: Excuse me, can you not interrupt us? How rude.

Zombie: Oh, sorry. Erm... Where am I, exactly?

Vincent: Just go home...

That night, as the full moon rose high in the night sky, there were a lot of ghostly visitors. It's to be expected now that the family is basically living on a graveyard.

Nate appeared to do some exercise, even though he's dead and doesn't need to work out.

And Eugene appeared to just haunt the place.

Damien: Dad, please... Can you not linger in front of the doorway?

Just walk through him, you'll be fine.

The next day was the Autumn Festival, so the whole family went out to local park, including Cayleigh.

Yes, I am aware that a Sims week has passed between chapters. I'm sorry D:

Martha, once again, decided to just not show up.

Raymond, Vincent, and Cayleigh all went apple bobbing in a tradition I like to call "Who can drown the other family members first?"

Please don't drown your family D:

Peony tried out the "haunted" house.

Peony: I've raided tombs that have been abandoned for centuries. You don't scare me.

She liked it? I think?

And Damien headed straight to the fishing pond.  

I was about to shout at him to being as boring as Cayleigh, but then he does this:

Look how happy he is :D 


Even when he's grumpy, he still manages to be a cute. 

I was going to leave this chapter here, but I have a better photo to finish on:


I think I need to call Riley from my last legacy to exorcise Martha...


Another chapter comes to a close. I'm back on track, and looking through my screenshots, I think I can get another two chapters out, or one really long chapter. We shall see. 

I can't reveal any of my Generation Three plans until I actually start writing it up, but I've definitely got something fun in mind :D 

See you next time! 


  1. Martha is the queen of animation glitches. Wasn't she also the one with the vanishing IF?

    Vincent and Mortimer are cute, and the inconvenient zombie is hilarious.

    Damien is also cute. Both of the boys are adorable.

    1. She is, isn't she... And yes, she was. The invisible IF still haunts my dreams.

      I'm glad you think they're cute :D Seeing as they are both taking over the legacy, after all.

  2. Welcome to the world of animation glitches. xD The one I get most often is toddlers sitting in their skill toys (the blocks, or xylophone) while playing with them. Those exercise ones are truly horrifying, though.

    Aw, Mortimer and Vincent are cute.

    Ha, Damien's happy face makes me want to pinch his cheeks.

    1. Yes! I get those all the time! "They said I could become anything, so I became a block table". Martha's excericse glitch is by far the most horrifying one I've come across, though. *shudders*

      They are, aren't they :3 And Damien is one happy boi.
