Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Chapter 1.10 - Back to China

Hello again!

Sorry for the absence. I had... Things to deal with.

But I am back. For now.

Last time, Martha aged up into a teenager, and Peony was declared heiress.

One thing I forgot to include last chapter was this little notification:

After getting into a fight, Martha rolled this Lifetime Wish.

Of course she would.

Let's kick things off with our lovely girls on the school bus.

Peony: 'Ello luv, ure a proper rebel, innit.

Martha: Please, I can hear the the real you dying inside.

Peony: My back is dying inside. How can you sit like this?

Martha: Years of practice.

After school. Peony decided that the best thing to do to ease her sore back was to practice martial arts.

Peony: My enemies shall tremble at the sight of me!

Calm down, you're only an orange belt.

To be honest, I can't remember why I took this photo. I think they were trying to get to school, but so was the entire younger population of Riverview.

Nate: What do you think, Bai? We've done good, haven't we?

Bai: Our eldest is convinced that she is the reincarnation of a martial arts princess, and our youngest has screaming fits at furniture.

Nate: So a success then?

Bai: Of course.

Nate and Bai were continuing to excel at their jobs.

Nate got a raise and a promotion.

And Bai got a promotion.

Martha still hasn't gotten over the habit of standing up in the theatre.

Oh Martha, never change.

I lost track of Peony as she went round to a classmate's house, and I found her like this:

Peony: Ugh, cream with pale pink flowers? Could you get any more tasteless? This is acceptable for a children's bedroom, but a living room? You make me sick!

This didn't go down well.

Peony: But Father! The wallpaper was simply hideous!

Nate: *sigh* You can't just go round insulting people's tastes. Don't you still have the same starry wallpaper you had as a little girl?

Peony: It's not the same, Father! It was cream, with pale pink flowers! In a living room!

At this point Bai stepped in to console Peony with an IKEA catalogue.

Peony's idea of helping around to the house was to fix the dishwasher in her formal wear.

Peony: A princess should be skilled in everything. Even the more... Boring of tasks.

Whatever you say. Just don't die. You are the heiress after all D:

The next day was an important one.

First, Bai finally completed his Lifetime Wish! That's the generation goal done and dusted!

Secondly, it was the anniversary of Nate proposing to Bai.

As they made lovey-dovey eyes at each other, their daughters went off to do other activities.

Martha scowled next to a dumpster.

As she does.

And Peony showed off her dance moves.

Peony: I call this move: "The Praying Mantis".

I'd call it: "The Sore Behind"

Nate: Darling, I think we should take our girls to China. It's where we got married, after all.

Bai: I was thinking the same thing. It'll do them some good to immerse themselves in the culture.

No sooner had they landed in China, Peony rolled this Lifetime Wish:

Well... That's a thing.

I clicked it in because I hate myself like a challenge.

Peony: Papa, I'm off to go explore a tomb somewhere.

Bai: Oh course, dear. You can leave me with... Those two.

Martha: Look Dad! We match :D

I'm not sure if the Insane trait is the reason why show up in their sleepwear. It would explain a lot...

As Bai tried convince his husband and youngest daughter to Please put some clothes on you're embarrassing me, Peony set off to find her first adventure.

Little did she know it would mostly involve rummaging through tombs and cycling around places.

Yeah, there's a lot of it. D:


Another chapter comes to a close! I'm sorry about the long delay. I was feeling pretty crap after leaving my job, and had to pick myself up and get going again. I should be hearing from the job at the end of the week, so here's hoping for good news!

See you next time!


  1. Tools, you make my brain hurt and my cheeks too. Your story telling style is made up of so many components that I don't normally like, including in-game popups, spending equal amounts of time on either side of the fourth wall, and showing thought bubbles, but somehow you make it work. Your sense of humor ties all these elements together that I find 'wrong' for me beautifully and makes them 'right'. This chapter made me laugh out loud several times and that's a rare thing. I LOVE your work!

    1. Ahh! Thank you, that's the nicest compliment I've ever received :D

      For me, I only use in-game screenshots if I feel they add something to the story. Like with Peony getting into trouble. She really got told off from Nate for booby trapping the sink, but it worked out much better if she got told off for insulting someone's house. It's a very Peony thing to do.

      And to be honest, Bai thinking about Martha when they get to China was just perfect timing. First it was just Nate showing up in his dressing gown whenever they go on holiday, but now he has to deal with Martha showing up in her nightwear, as well. The poor man...

      Thank you again! :D

  2. Peony and Martha are both so entertainingly strange.

    Pale cream wallpaper with pink flowers in a living room?! That is obviously a crime against interior design! Proper sims are hilarious. My absolute favorite thing is the "slap with glove" interaction.

    Peony's lifetime wish can be a lot of work, but it can also be a lot of fun. I've never completed it, since I'm always scared that WA will kill my game, but I look forward to seeing you do it. Great chapter!

    1. Indeed they are. They both unique in their own ways.

      I have yet to the do the "slap with glove" interaction, but it's still brilliant. I also love the "give [sim] what for".

      It is a lot of work D: I mostly skip over it, just because there's only so much you can show a sim running around completing errands for people.

  3. Love this more Peony focused chapter. She can really get herself into trouble, lol!

    Maybe Nate just thinks wearing his robe is fitting for China. :P I can't even guess Martha's reasoning; she's such a wildcard.

    1. She can xD That's the problem with the proper trait. She will speak her mind even if it gets her into trouble.

      Martha is a wildcard, she does what she wants. Even if it means showing up to China in a small nightie...
