Saturday, 2 March 2019

Chapter 1.9 - Dance Dance, Fight Fight

Hello again!

Bad news and good news: Bad news, I've lost my job. Good news, I've got a job interview for a new job :D

It also means that I have more time to write new chapters.

So let's go!

Last time, there was a bunch of sibling rivalry, and Peony aged up into a teenager.

We started the last chapter with Martha, so we'll start this chapter with Martha, too.

*Martha.exe has stopped working*

Reminds me of the last time I peed myself in my older sister's bedroom whilst wearing a swimsuit and thinking about food.

JK, that has never happened before.

Peony, taking a page out of Bai's book, began to study martial arts.

Peony: Begone, thot foul beast! You have angered me for the last time!

The fact she's doing it in a long dress just really adds to the image...

But at least she's now a white belt!

Peony: I shall crush my enemies!

Speaking of gaining new belts...

Look who is now one belt away from getting his black belt! :D

Martha's birthday rolled around, and she chose to wear her winter clothes, despite it being in the middle of spring.

Martha: I am dead inside. There is no light left in this world.

Here's Martha, post makeover. I liked her asymmetrical hairstyle, so I chose something that was a bit more "edgy". She is the ultimate Edgelord(TM). Her teen trait is Overemotional.

This girl is doomed.

All jokes about her being an Edgelord(TM) aside, I do like her outfit. I wouldn't wear it myself, but it's aesthetically pleasing.

Nate and Bai continue to be lovey-dovey, and the girls continue to tune out their romantic shenanigans.

Nate: Martha, I know you are now a teenager, but do you think you should put something more... Appropriate on?

Martha: Nah, it's cool, daddio.

Martha, NO D: Where's your edginess?

In fact, Martha dressed edgy, but is in fact a huge bundle of nerves. .

Martha: The aliens! The aliens are coming for me!

Martha aged up on Prom Night, so the sisters headed over for a night of dance shenanigans.

Not much of note happened, apart from the girls getting into fights.

Peony: A proper princess should show elegance and grace wherever she goes.

Martha: Look at my pants!

Almost to prove a point to Peony, Martha got herself voted Prom Queen.

BOOYAH! Halfway done with Bai's Lifetime Wish :D

Also, Bai's cheekbones are sharp AF.

Peony: I am ready to take on anyone who gets in my way!

I think the combination of Proper and Disciplined is either the best or worst thing to happen.

And Martha's best friend is a post box.

Both girls decided to go on a double date with the boys they met at Prom, and went to the most expensive restaurant in town (on Peony' insistence, of course).

Martha: Hey sis! :D

Peony: *Oh God why did I agree to this*

Both girls got denied for their first kiss. Martha was "meh" about it.


Peony: But it worked in fairy tales...

What her date said:

What Peony thought.

Oh, Peony, you poor deluded soul.

Martha, meanwhile...

Peony: *Martha, I swear to God...*

Peony: Okay, okay, you do NOT just beat my sister up. That's it!

Peony: I'll show you what for! Have at you!

Peony: There! Now run, foul demon! Back to the hellpit you came from!

Back home, what do the girls get for all this trouble?

Time out.

Martha for getting into a fight.

Peony for getting into a fight and being out past curfew.

Such is teenage life.


And another chapter comes to an end! As I said before, I am now unemployed. But, I wanted to leave anyway, so no big deal :)

I am now ready to reveal the Gen Two rolls:

  • Couple With Help
  • Three Children
  • Criminal (Evil)
  • Music (Rock Star)
  • Science 
  • Career Student (The Dilettante) 
  • It's So YOU! 
And the Gen Two heiress is... 


I had Peony in mind from the start, but her blend of martial arts princess is just too fun to pass up. But, Martha is loitering around as a help. Not that Peony will need much help. She'll have her partner and fathers to help raise children. Martha being around is more so I can keep an eye on her >_>

See you next time!


  1. Peony the martial arts princess will be an awesome gen 2 heiress, and I'm also glad that you're keeping Martha around. It'll be fun to see how she handles her insane/over-emotional/neurotic/loner self. Couple with help is always a fun roll, because it usually means you get to keep spares around.

    1. Yeah, that's why I'm glad I get to keep Martha around :D And Peony is proving to be an awesome heiress. I just need to get round to writing the next chapter.

  2. Either Peony or Martha as heir make for entertaining play and storytelling, the fact that you have 'and help' and can keep both is a bonus. If this had gone to a vote it would have been a very difficult call for me.

    1. To be fair, if I had gotten "Single Parent" or "Couple", I would have put up an heir poll. I love them both!

  3. I hope you got the job!

    Martha's trait combination just gets better and better. xD

    "Not much of note happened, apart from the girls getting into fights." Not surprising with those two. xD And lol Peony thinking that was a successful date!

    I'm glad Martha will be sticking around!

    1. I'll get the feedback soon!

      She's a bit of a nutcase, isn't she xD

      And Peony is a poor deluded girl.
