Friday, 19 April 2019

Chapter 2.9 - An Unexpected Demise, Part II

Hello again!

This is the last chapter of Generation Two! It's had its ups and downs, but now we've reached the end.

At long last.

Not that I begging for this generation to come to an end, it's that after all the chaos and kerfuffle that's taken place... It's nice to lay it to rest and move on.

That being said, it's a heavy update because there's a lot to wrap up before we usher in the new generation with Damien and Vincent as co-heirs.

Last time, Vincent found love for the first time, Damien proved to be absolutely adorable, and Martha glitched out.

The usual stuff.

This time, we start with the Generation Three spawn sat together for the last time.

Vincent: Hey, did you that if you were an animal, you'd be a jellyfish? Because you're jelly that you're not heiress.

Damien: Oh God, not now...

Cayleigh: I swear if we weren't related, I would slap you so hard your head would spin, you cretin. I didn't want to be heiress anyway.

Just as well that Cayleigh was about to age up.

Cayleigh: I just need to blow these candles out, and then I'm free from this madhouse.

Cayleigh is very pretty. Given that she is a faceclone of Peony, that's not surprising. I chose the sing-a-gram outfit because I felt like it suited her the most. It's elegant and classy, which is all I can really say about Cayleigh, really. Her final trait is Vegetarian. I have no idea what it came from.

With that, she was unceremoniously booted from the house.

Now that the Peony clone has been dealt with, let's see how the actual Peony is doing.

Yeah... When I said the sprinkler was going to be the death of her...

I wasn't joking.

Despite the freezing autumn temperatures, she insisted on playing with the sprinkler. I was so preoccupied with Cayleigh that I didn't realise that Peony had frozen to death until I heard the Grim Reaper music.

Grim: *sigh* Really? Well, at least you can join your husband. Not that he ever left you. His ghost still haunts your house, if I recall.

Well then...

I don't consider this generation to be a "failure". I had already completed the legacy goal ages ago, and the next generation heirs are close to young adulthood. If she had died before the legacy goal was finished, or when Damien and Vincent were still children, I would have saved her. But, as both the criteria for a "pass" had been completed... Sorry, Peony.

Not to say that it was an easy choice to make. I debated a lot about whether to go back and save her, but in the end, I thought "She'd done her duty as a heiress. Her death, unlike Eugene, was a tragic accident, and I can live with that."

The remaining four members of the family (this happened after Cayleigh had been booted out), mourned over Peony.

Though Damien had never met his father, as he aged up into a toddler on the day of his death, he still felt the loss of not growing up without a proper father figure. And now, just days away from becoming a young adult, his mother froze to death in an accident.

Martha had grown up with Peony her whole life, and now had to face losing her after losing her beloved fathers.

Raymond and Vincent may not have been close to Peony, but knew that without her, the legacy never would have gotten to where it is now.

Vincent proved to be a good shoulder to cry on for his distraught cousin.

Vincent: There, there, it's alright. No do a cry...

He's not so good with words...

For the next couple of days, the family (mostly Damien) distracted themselves however they could.

Damien took to cleaning the fish tank with his jacket still on.

He didn't even notice that his sleeve was soaking wet and that he hadn't taken the fish out.

Poor guy.

Though he is now a green belt.

He also gained glasses for some unknown reason.

I always used to take my glasses off when doing marital arts for obvious reasons.

Martha channelled Peony by repairing objects in her formal clothes.

Martha: I don't know how Peony could do this is a dress. Everyone know that the best thing to wear is a bikini. Doesn't matter if you get wet.

Vincent coped with his aunt's untimely demise with some... Interesting wishes.


But he did roll his Lifetime Wish to be an astronaut, which is on the Generation Three career rolls.

I clicked the sucker in.

Just like I accepted this opportunity..

Criminals needs hobbies, as well...

It worked. Martha is so close to finishing her Lifetime Wish.

She really has landed on her feet in the Evil branch.

Damien: Hello, grandfather. I'm Damien, the current co-heir to the family.

Nate: Co-heir, eh? Who's the other co-heir?

Damien: My cousin, Vincent. It would be my sister, but she's a clone of... My mother...

Damien: Mother, why?!

Nate: *sigh* What's she done now?

Yeah, poor Damien is really not coping with Peony's death.

Raymond: I know, a nice family outing to the park might be what you need. Some fresh air and winter activities.

Damien: Mother died because it was cold.

Eugene: Wear some warm clothes, you'll be fine.

Following his ghostly father's and his uncle's advice, Damien wrapped up warm and went to the Winter Festival, where he tried out some ice skating.

Damien: Go to the park, they said. It'll be fun, they said...

Vincent, meanwhile...

Vincent: HELL YEAH!

He was having a blast.

It also happened to be prom night, which I had completely forgotten about, so I quickly shuffled the boys off the school for a night of shenanigans.

Vincent managed to ask Mortimer to the prom, so he managed to go with a date. He was also voted Prom King. Much to my annoyance, he disappeared into the school before I could make him change into his suit, so he's wear his bright yellow winter coat.

Damien had no date, so he went alone. His night consisted of dancing by himself and getting into fights with everyone.


At least I managed to make him change into his suit.

And just like that, Generation Two comes to an end with the birthday of Damien.

I liked his coat and waistcoat outfit so much that I gave it to him as a young adult. His final trait is Angler, which is perfect considering how he wants to spend his life fishing. Unlike Cayleigh, who was just a face clone of Peony, Damien has the right blend of genetics.

I look forward to breeding them into the next generation.

Just like his mother before him, Damien stared into the mirror. He was ready to take over the family and not freeze to death as she did.

He also had no clue what the hell he was doing.

Damien: Ugh, can't Vincent completely take over the legacy?

Afraid not.

I'm not letting your genetics go to waste.


Generation Two is finished! I'm sorry for it abruptly ending like this, but it was the best I could do given how many glitches I came across. I also apologise for the dark-ish tone this chapter had. I did have a play through where Peony survived, but it was boring as fuck. Given a choice between having to tackle a serious subject or have a boring chapter, I chose the former. I still tried to write in my "light and sarcastic" tone, as I normally do, to try and soften the blow a bit.

But, as the great Freddie Mercury once sang, the show much go on. Next generation will be about Damien and Vincent, and the things they get up to.

What's been your favourite part of Generation Two? Mine is Peony raiding tombs in her formal dress and heels. Close second is Martha existing. She's had too many great moments to narrow them down to just one.

See you next time!


  1. Favorite parts... so many choices...
    Martha starting down the path of super villian because some guy wouldn't snog her.. Peony exploring tombs in that dress, like Lara Croft with fashion sense... Martha's 'Thirsty Cat' costume... Martha and Eugene-Get Out... Martha: Go on, be a little arsekicker! (Im re-watching Walking Dead, just happen to be at the episode where Judith gets that nickname)... The black and pink butterfly wallpaper... Nate and Bai, together as ghosts, Vincent and Damien doing homework together ... Kayleigh's Yoga chin ups... Mort and Vincent, Random Zombie Intetruptus. Cayleigh: I just need to blow these candles out, and then I'm free from this madhouse.

    ->I always used to take my glasses off when doing marital arts for obvious reasons.
    ->I Didn't get glasses until after my divorce. I Should have had my eyes checked years before that...

    1. I forgot to cut n paste -> Damien: Ugh, can't Vincent completely take over the legacy?


    2. Ahh, so many favourite moments :D

      You got the Walking Dead reference! I didn't think many people would get it, but at least one person did.

      I am a little sad to leave Generation Two behind, but now I can look forwards to Generation Three. I rarely get this far before my game spontaneously explodes :<

      And ouch... Hindsight is 20/20, I guess.

  2. I've had way too many incidents where my glasses go flying during a workout not to think it's a bad idea to put them on to do martial arts.

    My favorite part of Generation 2... probably Random Zombie Interruptus, with a close second being Damien's face. I love him.

    1. Yep. I once played basketball at school with my glasses on, and my glasses got bent when I didn't dodge in time to avoid a ball flying towards my face (it was an accident). I spent the rest of the day blind.

      Zombies do like to interrupt everything, don't they? And I'm glad you love Damien :D

  3. Damn, Peony. I guess she died doing what she loved.

    Damien crying on Nate's shoulder was pretty cute.

    Ha, the suggestion of playing in the cold when that's how your mother died. xD

    I loved Martha. My favorite of your sims so far.

    1. At least she didn't get the mummy's curse. Even then, I'd be able to save her D:

      The tears would fall right through Nate's ghostly shoulder, but it's the thought that counts, I suppose.

      Too soon, Raymond D: Too soon.

      Martha is definitely one of my favourite Sims I've ever created. She's up there with the original Sylvester McKracken, the writer of many Smutty Drug Books.
