Thursday 4 July 2019

Chapter 5.1 - New And Improved

Hello again!

I am back with the McKracken legacy! I've taken some time off to redo the beginning of Generation Five, and I am much happier this time round. Redoing everything and taking things slowly has been the best thing to do. There's no sign of Generation Six yet, but I have been busy at work and haven't got that far yet. Baby steps and all that.

It's also in the middle of a heatwave and I am dying.

To start off the new and improved Generation Five, time for a recap of Generation Four.

Robin McKracken, the heir of Generation Four, was successful from the moment he took over the legacy. He was already high up in the martial arts skill when he aged up, so it didn't take that much time to finish his Lifetime Wish of becoming a Martial Arts Master. When he wasn't visiting China, he worked in the Law Enforcement career, quickly climbing up the ladder. One night, a burglar broke into the family house, and Robin let her go in after a change of heart. And then got her pregnant. The result of this quick hook up is the only child of Generation Five: Chloe. With the legacy secured, and Robin reaching the top of the Law Enforcement career and finishing his Lifetime Wish, Robin spent the most of his adulthood in the hot tub. As you do.

Chloe McKracken is the sole heiress of Generation Five. At least, of the main line of the family. Ignoring the massive number of cousins she's got, Chloe grew up as a only child with her father and grandparents. Even though she didn't know her mother, she did inherit the "burglar" trait from her. So there's that. She was doted upon by her father, and grew up to be reasonably well adjusted, aside from her occasional screaming fits. Taking a step away from her ancestors, Chloe began devoting to her life to becoming a Master Acrobat. How she'll cope due to her clumsiness remains to be seen.

The rolls for Generation Five are:
  • Couple
  • Three Children
  • Acrobat
  • Journalism
  • Change of Scenery
  • Identity Crisis
Before I go any further, I may have kept the rolls the same, but I couldn't be bothered to go through the hassle of changing neighbourhoods and trying to keep the family tree in tact. It took too long and wasn't 100% perfect, so I'm staying in Sunset Valley for the time being.

Another thing I would like to point out is that I had to go back to when Chloe was a teenager and play through the last part of her teen years. I've kept most things the same, but some things have changed. When this occurs, I'll be sure to point them out.

With all that that said and done, let's finally make a start to Generation Five.

Starting with a new house.

Here's the old house, looking all pretty. Ignore the fact that Chloe is wearing her old clothing and it's the middle of autumn. I couldn't be bothered to redo another photo. As I've said before, it's always bittersweet to change houses. This house has been around since Peony was heiress, and has seen many births, deaths, weddings, and the ghostly figures of the McKracken ancestors. But it was time for a change of house. Peony, the first heiress of the family, moved into a new house when she took over the legacy. It's only fitting that Chloe, the second heiress of the family, should also get a new place.

The bungalow looks tiny in comparison to the sprawling mansion the family lived in, but it's big enough to fit the next generation in. And there's a giant flatscreen TV that takes up a lot of wallspace and used up most of the family funds to buy.

Was it worth it?

Yes it was.

Now Chloe can work out in ULTRA 4K HIGH DEFINITION(TM)

But, whilst the new generation ushers in the new, the old generation stays the same.

Oh boy, does it stay the same.

Never change, Martha.

Because of the sheer amount of graves now, it's not uncommon for the number of ghostly visits to reach an absurd level. And it's always at its highest when a full moon rises. Not pictured is two other ghosts who have wandered onto the main plot of land. I could store them all somewhere else... But I like having them around, as morbid as it sounds.

Anyways, enough about the deceased ancestors. Back to Chloe and her shenanigans.

The Summer Festival rolled around, and I sent Robin and Chloe out to the park. Robin to get him away from the hot tub, and Chloe to practice her acrobats and find a potential mate.

Robin went straight for the tanning booth. You see that little orange/purple sparkle? Chloe rigged it when she was a teenager.

She unintentionally pranked her own father.

Robin: The fuck is this?

Robin: *sighs* Goddammit, Chloe...

Chloe herself was playing chess and not performing for tips like I'd told her to.

Chloe: Do I have to perform in that silly outfit?

Yes. Yes you do.

Chloe: Ugh. Fine...

I decided to embrace the lime green, as it lends itself so well to the clashing yellow pants. It's no worse than the other outfits she ends up wearing.

But she did get a promotion, so now she can potentially brain herself with heavy juggling clubs, or lose a toe after dropping a blade.

And where was Robin during all this?

In his usual place.

At least the hot tub can't kill him.

What can kill are flaming clubs.

Chloe: Oh God who gave me these flaming clubs who allowed me to do this?!

You asked for this, Chloe.


There was only one to soothe her embarrassment.


Like parent, like child.

You know who else is having another child?


With Judith popping out more babies, Chloe went out to try and find someone to be a potential spouse.

She settled for this guy in a top hat.

Christopher: Libraries are like, so rad, man. You can borrow books and return them, for free! Who knew that it was such a good idea?

Chloe: Yes, this is the man for me.

It wasn't just Chloe finding love.

Lucas seemed to forget that he is dating Chastity Ursine-Kennedy and has moved onto a new woman in his life: the incredibly elderly Penny Wan.

And then got into a fight with her.

Poor Lucas just cannot catch a break.

But that wouldn't be so bad if his son Ricardo wasn't dating Penny's daughter, Jordan.

As if the family tree wasn't complicated enough.

At least Judith has moved in with the father of her children. I know there's no sign of Angelia, but she doesn't exist in this version of events.

And Sammy is getting remarried to a new bloke.

I think this legacy is now officially a Soap Opera. When did the main branch of the family become so normal?

Whilst all this relationship madness was unfolding, Chloe began to really shine as an acrobat.

See this? What the hell is she doing and why does it look so badass?

It was so badass that she got asked out on a date by Christopher, the stoner she met a few days ago. They went off to the expensive restaurant in town, the same one her great-grandmother Peony went to when she was a teenager.

Chloe may have been rejected her first kiss as a teenager, but she got it right the second time round.

And did it in front of her uncle Lucas, who was doing a terrible job at pretending that he hadn't seen her. Probably wondering how his life got so messy.

Lucas: I wonder how Robin is getting on... Surely his life is a mess as well, right? Right?

Look at him, the smug bastard.

Robin: Ah, this is the life. My girl is out there finding love and my side of the family tree isn't a tangled mess.

After the date, Christopher ended up staying the night, and I decided there and then to move him. He's too perfect to let go.

Chloe: Dad, just so you know, my new boyfriend is not a pimp or a drug dealer. He just dresses that way.

Robin: As long as he treats you right and you're happy, dear. That's all that matters. Besides, I'm not one to judge. I got your mother pregnant after only knowing her for a day.

Chloe: ...

Chloe: Didn't need to know that, thank you.

Why yes, I did design his entire outfit around his top hat. Why do you ask?

Here he is, Christopher Temple. His traits are: Absent Minded, Good, Bookworm, Natural Cook, and Artistic. He likes listening to indie music, eating mac and cheese, and the colour aqua. His starsign is Cancer, and he wants to be a Master of Arts.

Christopher is one of those NPC Sims I found and rescued.m At this point in my game, I have to regular "purges" to clean out old Sims to make room for new ones to appear, to keep my game fresh. Christopher did have Vanilla Face, so I tweaked him a little bit. I would say that I wonder how he's going to fit in with the family, but I think he'll be just fine.


And the redone version of the first chapter comes to a close. This is all I've managed to achieve thus far, but it is because of work, my own lack of energy, and the bloody heatwave making things difficult for me to concentrate. Did I mention that I am a pasty white British woman who can't function over 15 degrees C? The current temperature outside is 21 degrees C, and I am dying. Send help.

Anyways, soon I should have some more screenshots at the ready, and more chapters can begin.

See you next time!


  1. Lol, not to poke fun at your climatic discomfort, but I consider 21c as mild weather, and function best in the 25-30 range.... Its winter here, and we are expecting mid-teens for the next week. :(

    It's good to see Chloe and Robin haven't changed that much despite the time anomaly of a do over. Christopher seems... interesting, he looks like he will fit right in to the McKracken family.

    -> There was only one to soothe her embarrassment.
    -> Like parent, like child.

    Somehow this does not surprise me, Did make me lol though.

    1. Oof, I would actually die if the temperature was that high :<

      Christopher is certainly a strange individual, and he will definitely fit right in :P

      Yep, some traits just get passed down, it seems...

  2. Love Christopher's outfit, and especially his top hat. So will the family be staying in this town, then?

    Like I said on MTS, I think re-doing a generation is a creative way to deal with the problem of being unhappy with how things turned out. I hope this round goes better for you!

    1. It is amazing :D And yes, for now anyway.

      I'm glad I did it this way instead of redoing the whole thing. I've come too far to stop now.

  3. Christopher's outfit is epic.

    I understand your heat wave issues, but after looking up conversions from C to F (because America has to be difficult), I have to point out that where I am now, it is positively mild at about 28 degrees C. 21 is barely warm enough to open the windows. This is not me making fun, this is just me noticing that climate differences are strange and extreme. (I do know that it's ridiculously hot over there right now, and I send my sympathies.)

    Chloe makes the best faces. That is all. The spares with the convoluted family trees also made me laugh.

    1. Thank you :D

      Ooof, that's hot D: Houses in the UK don't have A/C, so opening a window to let some air in just makes things hotter D: It should be cooling down soon, I hope. My saving grace is that work is like a freezer xD

      She is 10000% done with everything xD And this is what happens when I don't control the spares directly. Weird stuff happens D:

  4. The heatwave was absoutely awful (at least the last 1-2 weeks have been better now tho), I was just hiding at home with a plant sprayer and a fan. I prefer it cool too and the damn fireball in the sky decided to heat up to almost 40°C (germany)... After the rainfalls the temperature is less hostile to human life, but now the mosquitos have come. I hate summer and are eating me alive.

    Off-topic rant! Is that how pimps and drug dealers dress in Britain? Interesting choice.

    1. It has cooled down a lot over the past couple of weeks. I can wear jeans again without feeling like I'm being boiled alive. And wearing my nearly all black uniform to work has been more tolerable.

      Yes, it is. And they greet you with "Ah, good day Sir/Madame. May I interest you in my wears?" as they hold out their cloak to reveal their goodies.

  5. I like the style of the new house. It looks home-y, perfect for a family with 3 kids.

    Chris is just weird enough to fit in with the family.

    It's going to be 33c for me today. 😆 Of course air conditioning is expected here, so at least I can escape indoors.
