Saturday 18 May 2019

Chapter 3.8 - Like Father, Like Son

Hello again!

Just a quick note: as of writing this, the Generation Five spawn is now a teenager, and they are amazing and I love them. I won't spoil anything else, I just look forward to the time I can reveal them.

In the meantime, back to the shenanigans of Generation Three and Four. Last time, I said that there was going to be a lot of things happening in China. I kind of overestimated how long I would spend there, as I did take a lot of screenshots in China, but only a handful of them are worth using. There is only so many times I can show Sims sparring before it gets boring.

This chapter is a bit more sweary than usual.


Anyways, here we are!

I've missed this scenery.

Only two people went to China: Damien and Robin.

They both went straight to the martial arts academy to train up. Robin needed it for his Lifetime Wish, but I figured that Damien should get some experience too so that he can be Robin's sparring partner.

I also forgot that they do fancy disco moves when it comes to chopping blocks.

Robin: Hey, Dad. How about a little sparring? I need to practice for my Lifetime Wish, after all.

Damien: *I just want to meditate...*

Robin: *Okay, you got this. Dad's only a blue belt, so this shouldn't be too difficult*

Damien: *You're going down, boy.*

Robin: *instant regret*


Damien: *I swear to God, you little shit...*

Somehow Robin managed to beat Damien despite it being his first ever sparring match.

Only for them to spar again and Robin to get his arse kicked.

The next couple of days followed in a similar fashion, as I forgot that the martial arts tournament doesn't start until Sims become a young adult. Whoops.

Anyway, look who is now a blue belt!

Back home, Judith immediately challenged Robin to a sparring match, ignoring that the fact that he is a) several belts higher than her, and b) better trained at sparring than she is.

Judith: Hey, bro. You wanna go, bro?

Robin: Alright, just don't go crying to Mum when I kick your arse. No, seriously, please don't. Dad and I are on thin fucking ice with her for not taking her with us to China.

(Also, look how noodley Judith's arms are in comparison to Robin's.)

Judith: May the best McKracken sibling win.

Robin: Alright, you asked for it.

Robin: Here's a move I learnt from Dad!

Judith: Ah, what the fuck? That's cheating!

Hey, at least she managed to get some hits in.

And is now an orange belt.

Judith: Fear the Arsekicker(TM)

Robin: See, this is why I'm the heir.

Damien: I'm sorry, love. I would have taken you with me but you would probably have been bored from watching us spar for hours on end.

Candace: It's alright, just as long as I come along next time.

Damien: Of course, my sweet.

Sammy: Hey, so... We're the sparest of the spare and our fathers are cousins, which makes us second cousins, I think. But because I'm not genetically related to you it means that it's alright, so want to go out on a date with me?

Lucas: Sure!

Vincent: Let me get this straight... My daughter and your eldest son are currently going out on a date, despite the fact that they are technically second cousins.

Damien: Yep.

Vincent: And you did nothing to stop them apart from going "No, don't go out" as you sat down to read a book?

Damien: Yes, and? I don't see you stopping them.

Vincent: That's not the point!

Robin: Can you have your discussion somewhere else? I'm trying to gain some much needed muscle mass over here so I can beat Judith up again.

Judith: Ah, what the hell?! I told you not to go for the bussoms! MUUUUUUUUM!

Robin: Goddammit it...

Robin: *Would be useful if mum fixed the sink so I wouldn't have to keep mopping up grumble grumble*

Remember kids: don't hit your sister in the tatas, or you will have to mop up the water pouring out of a broken sink.

And I will end this chapter here with a sad message:

Martha, no D:


Another chapter comes to an end, and the generation is nearing its finale. Looking through my screenshots, I reckon I could get another two chapters out. As I said before, Generation Four is well underway, and the Generation Five spawn is now a teenager. I don't know when the next chapter will be out, but it should be soon.

See you next time!


  1. Look how noodley Judith's arms are. Judith's noodley arms. Noodley. Thank you for writing a chapter that helps increase my own writers vocabulary. Noodley. Its now a thing. I Thank you.

    1. It's a term I've used a lot to describe something that is quite thin, like a noodle. I've got noodley arms, as they scrawny and have little to no muscle mass in them.

      I was going to say "noodle-like", but it doesn't have the same ring as "noodley"

  2. Robin and his slowly improving martial arts skills are fairly entertaining.

    And oh no! Martha! She'd been out of the house for a while, but I will still mourn her.

    1. My aim was for him to be a black belt before he hit his young adulthood, or be very close to.

      And poor Martha. She will be missed :<

  3. I love how beautiful the travel destinations are.

    SammyxLucas is a surprising development. 😆

    Martha. 😭

    1. They are beautiful, aren't they :3

      I will admit, I was struggling with things to do with Sammy and Lucas, as they were the sparest of the spares. In the end, I decided that seeing as the game didn't acknowledge them as related, I made them go out on a date xD

      And poor Martha :< She's at least back home in the family graveyard.
